Small cosmetic blemishes can have huge effects for your appearance. Fortunately, your cosmetic dentist in San Diego offers several outstanding treatments. Porcelain veneers and cosmetic dental bonding are two options, and Dr. Georgaklis can use them to correct similar flaws. However, while the results are often comparable, there are certain key differences between the two treatments. One may be a better option for you, depending on your goals and current dental health. Rest assured that your La Jolla cosmetic dentist will provide a thorough consultation and help you choose the right treatment for your smile.

Cosmetic Dentist in San Diego Offers Two Great Treatment Options

Both porcelain veneers and cosmetic dental bonding can address a wide range of concerns. These include:

  • Chipped or worn teeth
  • Severe discoloration
  • Unusually shaped teeth
  • Disproportionately small teeth
  • Small gaps in between teeth that do not necessarily require orthodontic treatment
  • One or two slightly crooked teeth

If you choose to address these problems with porcelain veneers, your Dr. Georgaklis will carefully trim your teeth. By removing a tiny amount of enamel, he can make room for the veneers so that they lie flat against your teeth. Then he will take impressions. Our partner lab technicians will create veneers that fit naturally against your teeth and match the color of your smile. Then your cosmetic dentist will attach them back at his San Diego office.

On the other hand, if you choose dental bonding, Dr. Georgaklis will lightly etch your teeth with a mild solution. Then he will apply composite resin to your teeth, shaping the material so that it looks just like your dental enamel. After hardening the resin with a curing light, he will polish it to give it a natural luster.

Your La Jolla Cosmetic Dentist Will Help You Determine the Right Treatment for You

Both treatments can have similar results, although porcelain veneers are typically considered the most lifelike option. Porcelain and composite resin will both match the color of your smile. However, porcelain is slightly translucent. Because of this quality, light reflects off of the material much as it does off of dental enamel. Therefore, porcelain has a highly natural sparkle. Additionally, porcelain veneers are typically more durable than composite resin, and your newly enhanced smile could last ten years or more.

Nevertheless, bonding can still offer outstanding results. Though it is not as lifelike as porcelain, composite is virtually indistinguishable from enamel. Therefore, if you are on a budget, bonding can be a great way to achieve the smile of your dreams. In some cases, bonding may be better suited to your dental health needs. For example, if you have worn enamel, you may not be able to receive porcelain veneers. In this instance, bonding can still provide you with the results you desire. Bonding is typically used for cosmetic purposes. However, in a few cases, your La Jolla cosmetic dentist may recommend the treatment to strengthen slightly weakened teeth. Know that, whatever treatment you ultimately select, you will enjoy exceptional aesthetic results.

About Your Cosmetic Dentist in San Diego

Dr. Georgaklis offers a full range of cosmetic treatments, including veneers, LUMINEERS®, bonding, teeth whitening, and accelerated orthodontics. He is a multi-award winner, having been recognized for his achievements in cosmetic dentistry and orthodontia. Contact our office today to schedule your personal consultation.